"I am human, only because you are human."
African Proverb/Allan Boesak

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Good morning and I hope this note finds you healthy in body, mind and spirit. All of us are called as leaders to be our best, and I was honoured to serve at a large function last night where 51 people were honoured for their contributions to our diocese. Their contributions have touched the lives of thousands of people. Simple acts of courage were common.

I also had the pleasure of hearing Nick Nissley from the Banff Centre for Leadership speak late last week at a conference, and Nick introduced me to the term 'homo narrens.' Our species could be more accurately described as homo narrens, the beings that tell stories. The concept has stayed with me all weekend.

And to return to last night's event, the homily was delivered by Ralph Spence, Bishop of Niagara. Ralph told a story of how Boris Yeltsin talked about working through the dismantling of the Soviet Union how he had been inspired by Lech Walensa of Poland. Walensa, asked who inspired him, spoke of Martin Luther King, and in King's biography, he spoke about Rosa Parks, and a simple act of courage, refusing to give up her seat to a white man.

In that way, Ralph pointed out, the fall of the Berlin Wall could be traced to a black cleaning woman living in the deep South of the United States.

As we work in our respective roles this week, I urge you to find place in your day for courage and for story. Both are part of us at our best.